
we like nerds

Dear Sister,

after all this christmas [your cokkies were amazing] and new years celebration [get wasted at culture box and drunken danes everywhere] getting back to study is a hard job. exams are in two weeks and sitting in the library the whole day reading can be very dissatisfactory.
i felt very understood, when i read the british january elle when they proposed the lolita - nerd style. as i am young enough to be lolita [i try to believe in that] and as we always liked and supported nerds i decided when i have a hard time studying i should at least fit my outfit to that. nerdy glasses [ray ben - what else] give an intellectual look, cardigans [street one - a little mum style] and scarves [american apparel] as a dress code in the library workes for me! [the mirror at roberts place should get cleaned]

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